- Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 also sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair.
The distinction between what is fair use and what is infringement in a particular case will not always be clear or easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission.
- The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
- The nature of the copyrighted work
- The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
- The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work
In accordance with US copyright laws, this blog exists as a nonprofit informative guide for players of "The Lord of the Rings Online," a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Turbine, Inc., and published by Turbine, Inc. and Midway, Inc. Any content from the game, including screenshots, references to in-game material, video capture of gameplay, et cetera are posted under these general premises and are not intended to infringe Turbine's intellectual property or damage the market value of their product.
If Turbine has any issues with this blog or its contents, please email me at bustytoddler95@gmail.com so I can rectify them as soon as possible.
Thank you!
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