Speak to Jon Brackenbrook, then interact with the questgivers north of him.
New characters: check your mail.
CHUNK 1: Archet Dale
1 -Prologue: Burying the Dead
-Disease Among the Boars
Continue directly south from Archet until you find Dirk Mudbrick's body. Immediately south of his body is a sporatic gathering of five boars in a forest area.
Go southeast until you find Wil Wheatley's body, stopping along the way to kill your last boar(s).
-The Ruins of Bree-land
Make a sharp turn east to re-discover Browne's Folly.
2 -Prologue: Burying the Dead (cont.)
Continue south to Springley's Farm. Pick up the seed bag, strongbox, and use the corpse: they spawn in random areas around the farm, but check around tight corners and you should see them.
-The History of the Dúnedain
Go northeast to Blackwold's Roost. Enter through the north gate turn southwest until you see a large flashing cairn; go over and use it.
3 -Prologue: Burying the Dead (cont.)
Leave the ruins and go far to the north to the Hunting Lodge. Nate Whisperwood's corpse is at the south end of the Lodge area.
Go directly west through the Old East Path, back to the town of Archet. Advance and accept quests.
4 -Finding Reason
Use Bali's corpse in the Old East Path, then enter the cave.
Touch the cocoons in order. (right)
Return to Archet. Then head south from town, picking up a quest from Edward Carver.
5 -Builder Earur
Go south to the gate of Archet Dale to pick up Builder Earur's toolbox. Then, make a sharp turn east to Springley's Farm, and enter the cellar door.
6 -Iornaith
Defeat Iornaith at the very west end of the map on the right. Return through the cave mouth (northeast corner) as a shortcut to Archet.
TOWNS: Archet to Combe
Wrap up your quests in Archet, then go southwest to Combe. Pick up all quests from the Stable-master area to Ted Pickthorne in the east, and remember to deeper in the inn to speak with Toradan the Ranger.
CHUNK 2: Combe
1 -Crafting Quests: Go southeast from Combe proper to visit the craft-house finish any quests you might have in that building. Then, visit Constable Wren east of Combe.
2 -Beneath the Hanging Tree
Go directly southeast from Combe until you come upon a field of stumps. Dig near three of them, then return to Combe and advance the quest. Then, go east to the Combe Lumber Camp and accept all quests.
3 -Chetwood North: Go east from the lumber-camp and begin visiting the following spots on the map in order:
Go southwest from the Lumber Camp to the stump field and use the Stump. Then, turn northwest back into Combe.
5 -Prologue: Cutleaf's Good Intentions
Travel west out of Combe to Ellie Cutleaf.
6 -Prologue: Cutleaf's Good Intentions (second objective)
Kill the den-mother at the end of the enclosure at the farm marked on your map.
7 -Prologue: Greater Responsibility
Take the south road out of Combe and turn left up a cliff to meet with Leecher Cartwell.
-Blackwold Valueables
Gather Blackwort and kill the remaining Wolves. Turn in this quest at the Lumber Camp and turn southwest.
7 -Prologue: Greater Responsibility (cont.)
5 -Builder Earur
Go south to the gate of Archet Dale to pick up Builder Earur's toolbox. Then, make a sharp turn east to Springley's Farm, and enter the cellar door.
6 -Iornaith
Defeat Iornaith at the very west end of the map on the right. Return through the cave mouth (northeast corner) as a shortcut to Archet.
TOWNS: Archet to Combe
Wrap up your quests in Archet, then go southwest to Combe. Pick up all quests from the Stable-master area to Ted Pickthorne in the east, and remember to deeper in the inn to speak with Toradan the Ranger.
CHUNK 2: Combe
1 -Crafting Quests: Go southeast from Combe proper to visit the craft-house finish any quests you might have in that building. Then, visit Constable Wren east of Combe.
2 -Beneath the Hanging Tree
Go directly southeast from Combe until you come upon a field of stumps. Dig near three of them, then return to Combe and advance the quest. Then, go east to the Combe Lumber Camp and accept all quests.
3 -Chetwood North: Go east from the lumber-camp and begin visiting the following spots on the map in order:
- -1 Speak to Filbert Burrows→ (go northeast)
- -2 Kill Blackwold Sergeant→ (go northeast)
- -3 Loot the Blackwold Lootbox→ (go east-southeast )
- -4 Loot the Brigand Agent's Letter→ (go north-northwest)
- -5 Kill the Blackwold Supervisor→ (go northeast)
- -7 Kill Cole Sickleaf→ (go west-southwest)
- -8 Fight Covell Woodwright→ (go southwest)
- -9 Return to Filbert Burrows→ (return to Combe Lumber Camp)
Go southwest from the Lumber Camp to the stump field and use the Stump. Then, turn northwest back into Combe.
5 -Prologue: Cutleaf's Good Intentions
Travel west out of Combe to Ellie Cutleaf.
6 -Prologue: Cutleaf's Good Intentions (second objective)
Kill the den-mother at the end of the enclosure at the farm marked on your map.
-More Treasure
While in Chetwood, enter the Blackwold Headquarters southeast entrance (26.7S, 43.9W) and find the Blackwold-lockbox in the next enclosure to the west.
Return to Ellie.7 -Prologue: Greater Responsibility
Take the south road out of Combe and turn left up a cliff to meet with Leecher Cartwell.
-Blackwold Valueables
Kill the Blackwold Sergeant at Skunkwood's Farm once again, then go west to the Wolf Den.
-The Wolf DenGather Blackwort and kill the remaining Wolves. Turn in this quest at the Lumber Camp and turn southwest.
Continue southwest to the bear-dens south of Combe and gather Red Berries. Most can be found in the upper middle of the shaded area on your map.
Continue west to collect honey, then return to Leecher Cartwell, then Ellie.
8 -Prologue: A Critical Strike
Head to the quest area in far northern Chetwood. Enter the Blackwold Headquarters from the southeast entrance (26.7S, 43.9W) and find the Blackwold-strongbox in the area beyond the wall to your left.
Turn north, run to the first sheep, and enter the side-enclosure to find more. Then, continue north into the dark area and kill Jagger Jack.
9 -Blackwold Thieves
Go southwest until you cross over into the western half of the ruins. Cross the bridge to your right, climb the steps and kill Sergeant Applewood in the corner of the room.
Return to Combe and Ellie Cutleaf, then to Toradan back in the inn.
10 -Prologue: The Hideout
Go east, beyond the waterfall to a door beside the lake below, and enter the instance.
INSTANCE: The Hideout
Enter into the main chamber and then go through the western tunnel to meet Skunkwood. Then go to the eastern barred doors on the opposite side of the cave and wait for them to open. Talk to Sara Oakheart and follow her slow ass to the exit.
After speaking with her one last time, return to Combe.
TOWNS: Combe to Staddle
Go south out of the gate and speak to Lolo Wendingway on your way to Staddle. Take his quest and turn northeast, and kill bears until you get the pack, enter the ruins and touch the Ancient Inscription inside their northwest corner, then return to Lolo.
Go west into the Bree-gate and collect the "Family Treasures" quest, then go southeast to Staddle proper.
CHUNK 3: Staddle
1- Preparation for Staddle: Track the following quests, and untrack all others::
- Gammy Boggs
- Message for the Constable
- Ailing Hound
2 -Gammy Boggs
Talk to Gammy Boggs due east of town. Continue the quests she offers in Staddle until Lily Underhill tells you to collect Red Flowers.
3 -Ailing Hound
Continue east from Lily and talk to Eldo Swatmidge. Accept his quest involving Widow Froghorn.
4 -Widow Froghorn's Pipe-weed
After speaking with the Widow, go directly west past the first field into the pipe-weed. Pick it up and return to her.
5 -Message for the Constable
Go south to Constable Bolger, and speak to him. Then go northeast and return to Eldo Swatmidge.
6 -Ailing Hound
Neekers in the Marshes
Head east until you reach the Midgewater Marshes, but only go deep enough to kill the Neeker-breekers you need for both quests, then return to Eldo, then go west to the well of Staddle.
7 -Unwell Watter
-The Wise Woman
Return to Lily Underhill. Then, go west to Staddle's well. Carry the water east-southeast to Willowsong in the forest.
CHUNK 4: Chetwood South
1 -Fresh Flowers
-Dangerous Boars
-Quality and Character
NOTE: Kill all boars and bears you see at all points in this journey until both quests are done.
Go southwest from Willowsong you reach the Yellow Tree. Pick the flowers there.
2 -Lily's Secret
-Stolen Pipe-weed
-Family Heirlooms
Go southwest from the Yellow Tree to a Red Lily. West from there, pick up another lily. From there, turn south toward the ruins of Ost Baranor and pick up the pipe-weed barrel on the other side of the wall.
Kill brigands in the camp until you complete Family Heirlooms.
-The History of the Dúnedain
![]() |
Find a Dúnedain Statue at this location in Ost Baranor. |
3 -Lily's Secret (cont.)
Leave from the northwest exit of Ost Baranor, and look closely around at the woods outside to find all your remaining Red Lilies.
4 -Dangerous Boars (cont.)
-Quality and Character (cont.)
Return to the Yellow Tree. The Boars and Bears might be respawned, but look to the northwest to see even more of them. Kill them all until you finish both quests.
5 -Fresh Flowers (cont.)
Track the "Fresh Flowers" quest and go to Willowsong's location marked on your map. Talk to her, pick up the bucket and take it to Staddle's town well to the west-northwest.
Advance quests in town.
6 -Quests in Town: Go east to Asphodel Froghorn, then follow all quest arrows that pop up on your minimap as they pop up. You will end up defending Constable Bolger from a Brigand-attack and returning to Falco.
From there, go further east to Eldo Swatmidge.
7 -The Vigil
Go northwest from Eldo and kill Brigands at the farm above the cliff.
8 -Widow Asphodel quest-line: Follow the arrows to complete this quest-line by running back and forth in Staddle, starting at the Widow, then going west to Staddle, then running right back.
Return to Eldo, then Asphodel, then finish at Eldo.
9 -Fixing Falco's Folly
Return to Ost Baranor, kill Jasper Mudbottom, then turn in this quest.
CHUNK 5: The Midgewater Marsh
1 -Scouting the Marshes
-Two Chieftans
Go east from Staddle until you find the Sunken Stones, and kill three Goblins there.
Continue southeast to the Goblinhole Ruins, skirting straight to the back of the camp to kill the two leaders. Gurzrum is beside the tarp-wall in the south, and Gurzstâz is in the middle of the tents to the north.
When finished, go to Bill's Camp to the northwest.
2 -Neeker-friend
-The Threat of Fire
-Prologue: Chasing Amdir
Go northwest from camp to find your first fly and a couple of Sappers. Afterward, look around to see more Flies and Sappers all surrounding that area.
Once clear, track the Prologue: Chasing Amdir quest and go northeast of the Midgewater Marshes to the Mustering Cave.
3 -Spiders in the Midgewater
-Prologue: Chasing Amdir
-The History of the Dúnedain
Go west toward the Marshwater Fort, continuing to kill Sappers and Flies as you see them.
Enter the ruins. You will find an Ancient Altar at this position:
Continue killing spiders as you move below the PoI-flagged building to the northeast to the Spider-queen. When sh is dead, enter the doors nearby and complete the instance.
4 -The Threat of Fire (cont.)
If needed, go directly south to the Goblinhole Ruins to kill your last Sapper(s).
Return to Bill Mossfoot's Camp, turn in quests, and enjoy your reward from the Neeker-friend's chest.
Now, turn in Two Chieftans in Staddle, then enter the town of Bree and turn in Family Treasures. It's time to move on to Book 1!
Now, turn in Two Chieftans in Staddle, then enter the town of Bree and turn in Family Treasures. It's time to move on to Book 1!
CONTINUE with Bree-land (Eriador B)
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