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Two years after the events in Skorgrím's Tomb, you find yourself in deep contemplation in Celondim, an Elven port-city in the Blue Mountains, but Eilian rouses you from your thoughts with a matter of concern.

TOWN: Celondim
After speaking with Eilian, speak to Laenin and Cardavor nearby (questgivers) nearby.

New characters: check your mail.

Go southwest from the Stable-master to the crafting area, and complete the relevant quests there.
Now, go northeast from the Stable-master to pick up Hallowed Ground.

CHUNK 1: Nen Hilith and Tham Gelair
1 -In Defence of the Forest
Go southwest, defeating 6 Vale-flies on your way to Nen Hilith. Advance quests in the camp at the entrance to the vale.
2 -Wolves of Nen Hilith
-Wood for Wine
Go into Nen Hilith to the first pile of lumber, then turn northwest and follow the ensuing trail of wood-piles, wrapping around the north edge of the valley.
Kill wolves along the way. Use Iron Collar to receive a quest when it drops from the wolves.
3 -Prologue: Avorthal's Favorite Haunt
Once you curve around to the southwest corner of the valley, you should see a flashing pack near some wolves. Use it.
4 -Collared
Return to the camp at the valley entrance.
5 -Hallowed Ground
Go to Tham Gelair some distance to the north. Kill six enemies in the ruins, then touch the alter near the center of the ruins.
Then, return to Celondim and advance quests.

CHUNK 2: Limael's Vinyard
1 -In Need of a Cask
Take the north road out of Celondim, past the bridge and the waterfall until the road forks and you turn to the southwest. Speak to Brethilwen.
2 -A Rare Vintage
-Gleaning the Field
Go down the road into the valley, killing goblins as you turn left to pick grapes from vines along the edge of the lake.
 Turn north and pick the rest of your grapes at the next lake past the stairs.
3 -Prologue: The Wrath of the Elves
Continue north to the buildings at the north edge of the vinyard, and defeat Pampraush. Once the Goblins needed for your quest are dead, return to Brethilwen.

TOWNS: Celondim to Duillond
Advance your two quests in Celondim, and pick up a new one from Toronn north of the Stable-master. Then, take the Stable-horse to Duillond.

TOWN: Duillond
Speak to Calengil, then climb the steps to the east interacting with all quest NPCs.
Go southeast from town down the subtle slope into the river-shore, where you will find all three herbs for "Cleansing Draught." Return to town and then head west-southwest to Dol Ringwest.

CHUNK 3: Dol Ringwest
1 -Cleansing the Ruins
Before you enter Dol Ringwest, turn north and move to where the cliff meets the walls of the ruins, and use the Cleansing Draught.
2 -What was Lost
Go through the entrance, then south until you hit the firelit wall, then turn north into the room with the Stone Cairn and use it.
3 -Cleansing the Ruins (part 2)
-A Cause for Concern
Retrace your steps back to the entrance, but turn east instead of leaving. Wrap around the edge of the path you are now to where you can use the Cleansing Draught.
4 -Turning in: Return to Duillond. Advance quests in town. Remember to go up the stairs to the east to reach Bregar.
5 -A Cause for Concern
Return to Dol Ringwest, hitting the firlit wall once again, going west to the room of the cairn, then continuing west to find Durglup at the south wall of that room.
Kill kim, then return to Duillond.

TOWNS: Duillond to Gondamon
Wrap up your business in Duillond and then head far northwest to Gondamon. You will pass by Thrasi's Lodge, but leave the quests alone for now; just touch the Stable-master as you continue on.

CHUNK 4: Gondamon
1 -Preparation: Go around Gondamon picking up quests before going to the southwest corner up the stairs to advance the Prologue.
2 -Warming the Garrison
You will find most wolves southeast of Gondamon. Wrap around and kill them until you have enough Pelts.
3 -Sundered Shield
-Feeding the Outpost
-Protecting the Hunt
Track "Sundered Shield," go toward its location on your area map. Kill bears along the way. The shield is below the cliff in the Dourhand camp in sight of the gate.
4 -Prologue: Suspicious Encampment
Continue through the gate to Aglarchen. Defend him, and finish "Protecting the Hunt" by killing any other Dourhands you need.
Return to Gondamon and advance quests.
5 -Vow of Vengeance:
Track the quest, run over to Glamir, then go directly north from Glamir's camp along the cliff wall. Kill Skíthi Blackhand at the north end of the Dourhand camp. Return to Gondamon once more.

TOWNS: Gondamon to Thrasi's Lodge
Take the Stable-horse or move east to Thrasi's Lodge. Advance quests there until instance-travel is available.

CHUNK 5: Thrasi's Lodge
1 -Now is Found
Take the horse from Thrasi's Lodge to Duillond, advance the quest by speaking to Bregar upstairs. 2 -The Days Ahead
Take the horse to Celondim and turn in the quest. Then, take the Stable-horses back to Duillond, then Thrasi's Lodge.
3 -Prologue: To Avert a War
Talk to Langlas and complete the instance.
4 -The Cat's Meow
Go north from the Lodge. Interact with the cave on the other side of the cliff, kill 6 hendrevail, Press tab to find them quickly in the immediate area.
Interact with the cave again, and return to the Lodge to advance quests.
5 -Hungry Mouths to Feed
The first trap is directly southeast from the lodge in the forest. Look for more traps to the east, then to the west of the next trap's position. If you get confused with those directions, just look around in that general area until you see a large grouping of them curving around a cliff.
Return to the Lodge.
6 -Thistle-mead
Go north of Thrasi's Lodge to the quest area marked on your map. The plants are lined up east to west.
7 -Another Brother's Sorrow
Track. Talk to Sigurdór at the point marked on your map, then speak to Svanr to enter Kheledûl.

CHUNK 6: Kheledûl
INSTANCE: Rescue by Moonlight
1 -A Remarkable Bow
Before entering the gate, turn north and move along the wall until you find and kill Starkath.
2 -Prologue: Rescue by Moonlight
Go through the gate, and keep going east all the way across the bridge until you find Avorthal on the boat. Defend Avorthal and finish the instance.
3 -The Plundered Port
Advance quests in Thrasi's Lodge, then go northeast to turn in at Sigurdór.
Go through the gate of Kheledûl.
  • The first two treasure-boxes are to the northeast.
  • Cross the bridge and find the next two boxes to your left. 
  • Continue north from those boxes until you reach the north edge of Kheledûl, and find the last two boxes to your right and left.
Go southwest to exit Kheledûl, then return to Thrasi's Lodge.
4 -Someone Worthy
Take the stable-horse to Duillond and speak to Penglir up the stairs.
Take the horse back to Gondamon, track "Vow of Vengeance" and move straight toward Glamir.
5 -Feeding the Outpost
Advance quests at Glamir's camp. You can find many bears wandering outside his camp.

CHUNK 7: Haudh Lin
1-Haunted Lands
-Old Bones
-The Elf-sword
Track "The Elf-sword." Move northeast from Glamir's camp past the cliff-walls into the barrows. Begin at the mound marked for "The Elf-sword," loot the elf-sword, and continue north.
When you reach the ruins in the northwest corner of the area, enter through the north side and kill the mound-wights there.
When you've finished "Haunted Lands" and "Old Bones," but ideally NOT "A Deathly Task," return to Glamir's camp and advance quests.
2 -The Standing-stone
-A Deathly Task
Go to the "Standing-stone"-marked area on your Ered Luin map when you track the quest. Use the giant flashing stone there, defeat the wight-lord, and continue to kill wights until both "A Deathly Task" is finished.
3 -The Misplaced Cook
-Webs of Sorrow
-Sickening of the Land
Track "The Misplaced Cook" and move straight toward Bersi on your map. You don't need to kill any spiders along the way; just speak to Bersi when you find him, defend him, and you will probably complete all three quests as you defend him.
-The Ruins Exploration
Go to the clfif-ramp far to the north at 17.7S, 90.9W, and travel to the east end of it, to a broken-down tower known as the Wardspire.
Return to Glamir's camp, then to Thrasi's Lodge, then to Gondamon.

TOWNS: Gondamon to Northern Barricade
Take the road straight south of Gondamon to the dwarf-camp in Rath Teraig. Advance quests there.

CHUNK 8: Rath Teraig (note to self: meaning to create map on next playthrough)
1 -Cave-claws in the Narrows
Take the southwest road from camp and start killing cave-claws. Stay on the road as you finish the cave-claw quest.
2 -Goblins in the Valley
-Prologue: Preparations for the Assault
When you come upon the Goblin camp, kill Gazrip and veer back onto the road. Continue until you reach a fork.
3 -Rath Teraig Exploration (Southern Barricade)
Go back down the ramp and retrace your steps all the way to the fork in the road. Take the southeast path this time. Continue until you reach the Southern Barricade, then turn east into deep spider territory.
4 -Spiders of the Vale
Go all the way to the east end of the spider-camp, and follow the path from that place as it turns northwest through the trees. You will hit some spider-webs, but move to the left to bypass them.
5 -Rath Teraig Exploration (Amon Thanc)
Near the end of the cliff-path, turn northwest to see a Goblin wood-gate up a slope in the distance. Follow the path up the ramp and go into the gate, leaving when Amon Thanc is explored.
6 -Rath Teraig Exploration (Tum Agor)
Go back down the ramp to where you previously were. From below the cliff you jumped off, looking to the northeast, you will see a path. Continue down this path as it dips into a valley between two cliffs (you will see spiders in this area), and then continue down the slope, following the path, running past the goblins all the way into the goblin-camp at the end of the road.
Return to the Northern Barricade, then to Thrasi's Lodge.

INSTANCE: Assault on Rath Teraig
Note that you will finish Rath Teraig Exploration in this instance, as Crookdell is entered near the climax.

Congratulations! Now, it's time to head to Bree.
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