Based on your race, you will be placed into one of four different starting instances. This guide covers the first six levels of gameplay for Hobbits and Men.
INSTANCE: A Road Through the Dark (Hobbit)
While travelling along the road, you encounter Bounder Boffin, a fellow hobbit who has a queer feeling about tonight. You meet up with Frodo, Samwise Gamgee and their friends, who abscond from the road... and behind them, a Black Rider of Mordor creeps up and you flee. You cut through the webs and spiders who block your path, but you are both kidnapped by brigands. Later, in the Blackwold jail-cell, you are freed by the Rangers, but one of their number, Amdir, is wounded by the Nazgul.
INSTANCE: Jail Break (Man)
A chance encounter with brigands on the road ends with you locked in their jail-cells along with a few Hobbits, but you are saved by Strider, one of the Rangers passing through the area. He leads you to help free the Hobbits and kill the Brigands, but by the end, one of the Nine Ringwraiths stabs Amdir his fellow, having been led off by the fire just before he can finish him off.
Both Hobbits and Men then find themselves in the town of Archet. Amdir attempts to recover from his Morgul-wound while the threat of the Blackwolds mounts.
-Intro Quests: Go through all of your quests until you talk to Captain Brackenbrook one last time.
CHUNK 2: Browne's Folly
-Intro: Remedy of the Old Kings
-Introduction: The Wolves of the Ruins
Go south out of Archet, speaking to Calder Cobb to your right.
Run through the meadow, killing wolves along the way. Run up to the rust-colored ruins, picking up Athelas leaves on the stone as you ascend the stairs to reach the top point of Browne's Folly in the south of the complex. Use the banner, defeat the Wolf-master, and return to Calder Cobb.
Return to Archet. Complete quests there until you receive three of them from Mundo, Celandine and Captain Brackenbrook.
CHUNK 3: Springley's Farm
Go south to Cal Springley's farm, killing 4 boars along the way. Accept his quest, go to the Combe gate in the southwest, then return.
-The Courageous Farmhands
-Sweet Bilberry Tea
Go to the three Farmhands marked on your map. When you reach Bill, the second farmhand, look north to see two bilberry bushes flashing, continue north and use another. Now, turn southeast and run until you see the fourth bilberry bush, and the third farmhand should be close-by.
After you use Walt's body, return to Wil Wheatley at Springley's Farm.
Return to Archet and complete all quests there.
CHUNK 4: The Hunting Lodge
Go out the south gate, then over to the Hunting Lodge (northeast corner of Archet Dale). Complete Jon Brackenbrook's quest(s).
-Intro: Into the Darkness
Move toward the pack at 26.8S, 46.4W, marked on your zone map with a ring in the middle of a large like-colored quest area. Kill 4 Blackwolds along the way, use the pack in the ruins, and return to Jon Brackenbrook.
CHUNK 5: The Old East Path
After speaking with Jon, go north and speak to a Hunter.
-Intro: Signs and Portents
Use the nearby bedspread. Watch the cinematic or go AFK while it plays; if cancelled, it will not progress the quest. Afterward, turn it in and go outside the lodge to Atli Spider-bane.
-Intro: A Slender Hope
Move west, killing spiders until you reach Archet's east wall. When your quest updates, return to the Lodge.
INSTANCE: The Assault on Archet
Talk to Jon Brackenbrook to defend the town of Archet as the Blackwolds finally attack.
NOTE: Make sure you've completed all quests up to this point, otherwise you will not be able to access this version of Archet Dale again.
Once you complete the instance, you will watch a short cinematic and be teleported to either the Shire (for Hobbits) or the town of Archet in the aftermath (for Men).
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