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Based on your race, you will be placed into one of four different starting instances. This guide covers the first six levels of gameplay for Elves and Dwarves.

INSTANCE: The Refuge of Edhelion (Elf)
The Elven Refuge of Edhelion is under attack by Skorgrím Dourhand, an evil Dwarf who seeks immortality. With the help of Elrond and Talagan Silvertongue, as well as the Elven troops, you push the assault back, but Talagan gives his life in order to destroy Skorgrim for good.

INSTANCE: Into the Silver Deep (Dwarf)
Thorin, King of the Longbeards, prepares to leave his long exile in the Blue Mountains. You assist Glóin's son Gimli in the evacuation of a mine under attack by a Cave-troll and meet Gandalf the Grey. While in the cave, you notice the corpse of Skorgrim Dourhand, and by the end see his ancestor picking up an ancient amulet...

Both Elves and Dwarves then find themselves in Thorin's Gate many years later. Dorollas the Elf has led a party from Rivendell to investigate the area, thinking that Skorgrim Dourhand somehow poses a problem despite his death.

CHUNK 1: Dolloras's Expedition
-Intro Quests: Talk to Nos Grimsong, who sends you on a chain of many quests in the immediate area until you speak to Elladan, who sends you to the ruins of Edhelion.

CHUNK 2: Refuge of Edhelion
-Intro: Where Skorgrím Fell
You are sent to several Elves in Edhelion: Dorniel at the outer gate, Naithriel sitting on some steps in the inner complex, and Dorongur Whitethorn to the north, near the broken bridge. Speak to them in order.
-Intro: Where Skorgrím Sleeps
Follow the road west out of Edhelion, and turn north right after you exit the complex to descend the steps toward the Silver Deep Mine.
Run deeper into the mine, killing 4 Cave-claws along the way. When you reach Red Flowers, use one, then run back out the entrance.

Return to Elladan at the starting camp.

CHUNK 3: South from the Silver Deep
-Intro: The Footprints of Blood
Return to the outer gate of the Silver Deep mine complex. Use the first Red Flower, then follow the road south, using every Red Flower until you come to Tryggwl. After speaking to him, continue south along the road until you reach Gormr Dourhand and his associate. Accept their quests.
-Intro: Shrine to the Fallen
-Intro: The Ritual Stones
Immediately east from the Dourhand questgivers, up the stairs, is the entrance to the Rockbelly Pit. Pick up all the black stones you see as you follow the ramp up and kill bats. Afterward, you can jump down the pit straight to the statue of Skorgrím, then take the west path out of that room into a shortcut exit.

After turning in your quests, go to Dwalin at Frerin's Court, to the northwest. Pick up the two quests there.

CHUNK 4: Frerin's Court
-Intro: A Plague at Thorin's Gate
-Intro: Dogs of Death
Turn east while in town and immediately begin killing Barghests, then turn in your quest and continue northwest until you reach the frozen lake (indicated on your area map). You will find four patches of strange soil near the bridge at the south end of the lake, where the rapids run; kill four bears while you're at it.
Return to Dwalin at Frerin's Court, turn in, and accept the next quest:
-Intro: A Putrid Spring
This time, go further west, going straight across the Dourhand facility until you reach 14.8S, 104.8W. Here begins a path that wraps up the slopes of the facility; continue going up the U-turn until you hit a large rusted platform full of miners and Aurochs. Continue north. Elrohir should be at the end of the platform.
-Intro: Medicine of the Elves
Enter the Mirkstone Tunnels (through the door nearby) and collect herbs as you go deeper. The map can get a little confusing, so I made you a diagram:

In other words, you will reach a T-shaped fork when you enter the cave: take the south path that might be harder to see, then follow it straight all the way to the altar while you collect herbs.

Once you touch the altar and defeat the evil spirit, go back where you came.

After checking with Elrohir again, return to Frerin's court and complete the quests there. While treating the sick dwarves, pick up a quest from a Miner and use the nearby Bedroll to enter a cinematic: skipping the cinematic will not advance the quest, so either watch it or go AFK for a moment to let the movie finish.

The sick dwarves will gain the burning ring icon over their heads one after another as you administer the draught. After you turn in these two quests, talk to Dwalin one more time to enter...

INSTANCE: Skorgrim's Tomb
You must stop whatever fell ceremony the Dourhands have planned involving Skorgrim's corpse.
NOTE: Make sure you've completed all quests up to this point, otherwise you will not be able to access this version of Thorin's Gate again.

Once you complete the instance, you will watch a short cinematic and be teleported to either Celondim (for Elves) or Thorin's Gate in the aftermath (for Dwarves).

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