TOWN: Little Delving
Speak to Mundo Sackville-Baggins. Take quests from the Bounder and Alf Goodcliff.
New characters: check your mail.
Once you've wrapped up your business in Little Delving, accept Postman Newbuck's quest "Bundle for Michel Delving" and right-click on the table. Now, run south to Michel Delving! It's time to begin your Shire adventure.
CHUNK 1: Michel Delving
1 -Starting Off: Speak to Second Shiriff Bodo Bunce to turn in your Bounder quest. The Mayor and his assistant will both add new quests to your log, but untrack them for now. Leave Postmaster Proudfoot alone.
Rollow Newbuck near the large statue has a quest. Accept it to begin a game of Hiders and Seekers.
2 -Hiders and Seekers
Due south is Polo Brockhouse. Speak to him, turn southeast, and go over to Daisey Brockhouse and Peonny Grubb, who will give you a breadcrumb. Right beside her house is Ruby Primstone's; accept her quest.
3 -Close Up Their Burrows
Go southeast to the shrew quest-area. The burrows you need to close are in plain view from the center of the circle on your map.
-The Farms of the Shire
Now, go due west from this position until you discover South Fields and receive the deed. Return to Ruby Primstone, then return to Rollo Newbuck near the mailbox.
4 -The Top Hiding-Place
Go directly west until you reach the Bird and Baby Inn. Go north, hop the fence, climb the cliff and talk to Odo Pipes on top of the inn.
Enter the inn and collect a quest from the innkeeper.
Leave the inn, and go west until you see a wandering NPC who will give you another quest: "The Founding Writ."
5 -Crafting: The Michel Delving Craft-fair
Go immediately south until you reach Emerald Borings. Choose a vocation and complete the related quests that pop up in that area.
Return to Rollo Newbuck at the mailbox area, to the northeast.
6 -Bundle for Waymeet
When your business in Michel Delving is done, talk to Postmaster Proudfoot and carry the satchel to Waymeet. Avoid nosey hobbits (eye icons on your mini-map) along the way.
TOWN: Waymeet
Run to and past Postman Twofoot. Talk to Dora Brownlocke.
CHUNK 2: Waymeet
1 - Rescue Dora's Chickens
Head north until you reach Dora's farm. There is a chicken at the east end of the farm near a coop, one at the far northwest corner of the farm in the field, and one due east of that chicken. Pick them up.
Return to Dora, back in Waymeet.
2 - Wolves at Waymeet
Travel far to the north until you reach the Wolf Den. Kill eight wolves there.
3 - The Wolf in Exile
Return to Dora, who sends you north-northwest to speak to Jolly Smallburrow. Talk to him, defeat the Wolf-leader, then return to town.
4 - Bundle for Needlehole
After talking to Dora one last time, talk to Postman Twofoot and carry the satchel to Needlehole.
TOWN: Needlehole
Run through the Postman to Griffo Boffin, who needs help with a lost money-bag. Go north and activate the Stable-master. Talk to Filibert Bolger as you leave the south gate.
CHUNK 3: Needlehole
1 -Dafodil is Missing
-Refurbishing the Town Hole
Follow your map to the quest marker in the bog, and use the dead cow. Then, wrap on over to the second marker in the Dourhand camp and use the satchel on the ground.
Return to Needlehole and advance quests.
2 -The Dwarves of Needlehole
Go northeast out from town and kill Dourhands until Orders drop. You will find them in your Pending Loot. Then, return to Ulfar in Needlehole.
Note that the area with Dourhands will still be shaded on your map even after you collect the orders.
3 -A Gift for the North
Complete the instance offered by Ulfar.
4 -Bundle for Michel Delving
Talk to Postman Redsmith, pick up the satchel, and return to Michel Delving.
TOWN: Michel Delving
Run to the Postmaster and turn in "Refurbishing the Town Hole." Now, speak to the Postmaster again, grab the satchel, and run to the mailbox in Tuckborough.
TOWN: Tuckborough
Collect the breadcrumb from Gammer Tunnelly, then turn to Eselia Took, who needs help finding her missing cousin, Gerebert.
Go south and enter the Great Smials, advancing and accepting quests there. Finally, head north out of the Smials and speak to Belco Brockhouse, accepting the three quests he gives you.
CHUNK 4: Tuckborough
1 -Adelard's Chapter
-Shore Up the Fence
Go southeast to the Great Willow. You will see flashing stones on the ground all around, from the base of the Great Willow to a reasonable radius around it. Pick them up as you circle the tree and look around. The last two small stones will then be directly south of the Willow near a cliff about 60 meters away from the tree.
Once you've gathered all of your stones, speak to Isembard Took II and defend him from bees and bears.
2 -Honey-bears
-Ghost of the Old Took
Go directly east from the Great Willow until you come upon a quest marker from Polo Proudfoot. Talk to him, then defend him from the bears, saving the quest he gives after for later.
If you still need Bear Pelts after this, go south until you come upon the bear den. Otherwise...
3 -Old Sally
Go directly south until you find Old Sally. Interact with her, and protect her on her journey back to Tuckborough.
Return to The Great Smials to turn in quests. Wait for Adelard Took to come back out, accept his quest, and go out to the east side of town to speak with Edina Proudfoot.
4 -Gerebert Misses a Meal
Track this quest and go west-southwest from the town of Tuckborough to the place marked. Enter the house, take the journal at the very end, then leave.
5 -The Old Took's Favourite
When you emerge from Gerebert's house, go north to the fields east of Waymeet, and find a boar on the darker half of the first field you encounter. Continue directly north from this boar to find two more boars in sequence, killing each of them.
Return to Tuckborough. If you still need another slab of boar ribs, there is a boar directly northwest of town at about 32.8S, 71.3W.
6 -Wrapping up Tuckborough: Speak to Esilia Took (west of the mailbox) and Edilina Proudfoot (across bridge to the south, east gate of town). Return to The Great Smials and wait for Adelard Took to emerge once more after you speak to him.
Go east of town and speak to Longo Burrow. Leave his quest uncompleted. For now, let's get out of Tuckborough.
7 -Bundle for Hobbiton
Return to the Postman of Tuckborough and carry the satchel to Hobbiton. There is a Nosey Hobbit directly to the north, so be prepared to swerve.
TOWN: Hobbiton-Bywater
After delivering the satchel, speak to the Stable-master. Enter the Ivy Bush Inn and accept Robin Smallburrow's breadcrumb. Go back out and talk to Holly Hornblower north of the inn, who sends you to carry a pie to the Green Dragon.
CHUNK 5: Hobbiton, Bywater and The Hill
1 -Pie for the Green Dragon
Accept Holly's quest and run on over to the Green Dragon, southeast in Bywater. After turning in the pie, go inside to accept another quest from the innkeeper, then return to Holly Hornblower.
2 -Lobelia's Pie
Now, take the pie to the north-northwest, to Opal Goodbody in The Hill. After you deliver it, go northeast and take the path up to Bag End to advance your Epic Prologue and pick up "Lobelia's Fireworks."
3 -Fallen Apples
Now, go south. Directly south of the Party Tree, speak to Gaffer Gamgee, who sends you to a field to the northwest to pick up fallen apples.
The picture to the right indicates their positions on the minimap, which should save you some time.
Return to Gaffer Gamgee to turn in the quest, then return to Holly Hornblower in Hobbiton.
6 -Bundle for Overhill
Let's leave Hobbiton behind for now. Talk to the postman, pick up the satchel and carry it north to Overhill.
TOWN: Overhill
Accept new quests from Gammer Boffin, Otho Broadbelt and Evard Holebourne. Check your Quest Log, untrack all other quests, and track these instead:
- [9] The Green Dragon
- [10] Lucky Sling-stone
- [10] Spider Plague
CHUNK 6: Overhill, Bywater and Hobbiton
1 -Spider Plague
Go northeast and stop at a waggon a few paces from the bridge. Use the sack.
2 - Lucky Sling-stone
Go north-northwest through the Bolestones until you find the deer corpse marked on your map, and use it.
3 -The Green Dragon
Go west, until you reach the final point marked on your map. The Dwarf-barrel is beside the second column you pass by.
Return to Overhill and turn in quests.
4 -Bundle for Bywater
Pick up the satchel and carry it back to Bywater; you should use the smaller bridge immediately northwest of Bywater rather than the large one leading into Hobbiton. Pick up the Postman's breadcrumb once you get there.
Enter the Green Dragon Inn and turn in your quest.
6 -Spoiled Pie from Bywater
Pick up the pie outside the Green Dragon and return to Holly Hornblower in Hobbiton.
Speak to Shiriff Robin Smallburrow inside the the Ivy Bush Inn to get a new quest.
Time to go to Frogmorton.
TOWN: Frogmorton
Talk to Postman Oddfoot, but leave his Bundle for Woodhall quest for now.
Go northeast, cross the bridge, and speak to Milo Hornblower (east of the inn building) and the Innkeeper inside the Floating Log Inn.
CHUNK 7: Frogmorton
1 -Many Happy Returns
-A Salve for Stings
North of town are many toads. Kill them until you satisfy the requirements for "Many Happy Returns" and "A Salve for Stings."
-The Floating Log
As you begin to kill toads, move directly north from Frogmorton until you discover The Frogmoors. From that vantage point, many flashing Hops should be near: few to the northwest, but many to the northeast. Look around from that position, then start on a path from west to east killing toads while picking up the hops you saw.
2 -Many Happy Returns (objective 2)
Once you've killed enough frogs, return to the PoI flag for The Frogmoors on your mini-map. Look to the northeast and press tab until you find Lobelia the Toad, then attack her until she retreats.
Return to Frogmorton once your three quests are finished.
3 -Spoiled Pie from Frogmorton
The next thing to do is to take the spoiled pie from Frogmorton and bring it back to Hobbiton. Talk to Myrtle Oddfoot to begin, and stay south of the river to ensure a smooth run.
TOWNS: Hobbiton to Overhill
After speaking with Holly, travel north back to Overhill.
CHUNK 8: Overholeton
1 -A Salve for Stings
Return to Gammer Boffin in Overhill, but do NOT accept her next quest after you turn the prior one in.
2 -Finding the Nest
Track this quest. Go northwest from your current position toward the ring amid the quest shading on your area map, killing spiders along the way. Once you discover the Nest, you will find many spiders to complete your quest just beyond it.
Return to Overhill. Don't follow the newly-updated quest arrow to Hobbiton.
3 -Long Live the Queen
Just southwest of the mailbox, you'll find Gammer Boffin. Speak to her again to accept the quest, and race down to the bear den beyond Tuckborough marked on your map. Pick up a Wild Hive and bring it to Polo Proudfoot, immediately to the north.
Return to Hobbiton to turn in Finding the Nest. Now, go back to Overhill to continue the chain.
4 -Untangled Webs
Go west-southwest from Gammer Boffin all the way to the Rushock Bog, where you will kill slugs to complete the quest. Continue further to the town of Needlehole, where you will turn in "Needlehole Watch." Time for some more spoiled pie.
5 -Spoiled Pie from Needlehole
Take the pie to Holly Hornblower in Hobbiton.
TOWN: Hobbiton to Michel Delving
From Hobbiton, take the horse back to Michel Delving.
CHUNK 8: Michel Hobbuckborough
1 -The Last of the Fireworks
Talk to Keeper Brombard Foxtail near the Mathom-house in the northwest corner of Michel Delving.
2 -Spoiled Pie from Michel Delving
Now, go south-southeast to the other end of the town, near the Town Crier marked on your area map. Another Spoiled Pie needs to be brought to Hobbiton.
3 -A Sack of Feed
Return to the Grange, across the bridge of Hobbiton. Pick up the sack of feed and bring it to Belco Brockhouse in Tuckborough.
4 -Lobelia's Fireworks
Go to Hyacinth Took at the very west end of Tuckborough.
5 -A Hidden Stash
Track this quest and return to the bear-den southeast of Tuckborough to the place marked on your map: the pipe-weed barrel should be in a stone enclosure.
6 -The Last of the Fireworks (second objective)
Go east-northeast from Tuckborough to the Methel-stage at 32.6S, 69.9W and set off the fireworks by tracking the quest and clicking on them.
Return to Belco Brockhouse and Esilia Took at opposite sides of Tuckborough. Then, enter the Great Smials and engage in one last quest with Adelard Took.
7 -Confront the Old Took
-The Bird and Baby
Enter the room beside Adelard and interact with the bookshelf at the end. When the squirrel appears, chase it out of the library by running up behind it. Meanwhile, grab the Yellowed Recipe from the bookshelf along the north wall near the formerly squirrel-haunted shelf.
8 -Spoiled Pie from Tuckborough
As you walk out of the Great Smials, pick up this quest and take the pie to Holly Hornblower.
9 -Lobelia's Fireworks (second objective)
Return to Lobelia Sackville-Baggins at The Hill to the north. Afterward, go down to the ovens southwest of The Hill to speak to Opal Goodbody.
10 -Spoiled Pie from Hobbiton
Take that nasty pie you gave Opal and bring it back to Holly Hornblower. You may have to wait a moment at the bridge to avoid a Hungry Hobbit.
11-Lobelia's Fireworks (third objective)
Return to Hyacinth Took in Tuckborough.
TOWNS: Tuckborough to Frogmorton
Head back to the Postman in Frogmorton.
CHUNK 9: Woodhall and Stock
1 -Bundle to Woodhall
Deliver the mail to Woodhall, east-southeast of Frogmorton. Speak to Rollo Boffin when you get there.
2 -Longo's Missing Waggon
Go west of Woodhall until you reach a bridge. Turn north just as it hits the grass on the other side of the river, use the waggon, then return to Rollo.
3 -Old Odo's Leaf-farm
The farm is due west of Woodhall. Open the Cage Door of the wagon when you are prepared to defend Gerebert Took. Instead of turning in this quest, return to Woodhall and speak to the Postman.
4 -Bundle for Stock
Take the mail to Stock, to the northeast. The Postman is far to the northeast of Stock itself, near the Brandywine Bridge.
Return to the NPCs you passed by in Stock. Take "The Golden Perch" from the innkeeper and "The Vigilance Committee" from Mat Harfoot. Keep both of them for now.
-The Sights of the Shire
Immediately south of Stock is the Stocktower. Discover it.
5 -Bundle for Budgeford
Return to the Postman in the northeast corner of Stock. You'll have to jump across the ruined wall to your northwest to get across the river: it's a bit of a puzzle, but time your jumps well and it can be done.
TOWN: Budgeford
Talk to Cam Puddifoot to the west, Odovacar Bolger to the north, Linda Bolger to the south, Bingo Bolger farther to the west, and Wilimar Bolger north of Bingo.
CHUNK 10: Budgeford
NOTE: Spectre of the Black Rider can only be completed at night, so start it whenever you can. It syncronizes best if you complete it before doing the wolves of step 2.
1 -The Veiled Menace
Search a good ways north of Wilimar's home, just inside the gate to the right, for a journal which will then light up and become usable. Bring it back to Wilmar.
2 -A Tastle for Pork
-Wolves in the Fields
-A Few Pages Short
Travel northeast of Budgeford to Milo Bolger. After speaking with him, go to the fields to the southeast and kill 8 wolves. The last two or so can be found wandering along the northern fence.
Return to Milo when finished. He is now to your west-northwest.
NOTE: The cloak for the second Black Rider quest in these fields.
3 -Howling at Midnight
Talk to Cam Puddifoot (central) and Linda Bolger (south) in Budgeford.
4 -Howling at Midnight (second objective)
-The Trouble with Harvest-flies
Travel to the Yale-height, south-southeast of Budgeford. Kill 10 harvest-flies there. At the top of the Yale-height, you will find a Rune-Inscribed Collar.
Turn in your quests in Budgeford. Then, return to Wilmar Bolger in the north.
5 - The Menace Confronted
Go west of Budgeford, wrapping south around the cliffs, into the marshes near Frogmorton to speak to Callum. Then, return to Wilmar.
6 -Bandages for Callum
Go to 31.9S, 64.7W near the southeast corner of the quest area marked on your Shire map. Collect the first plant, move west until you reach the next one, continue southwest for the next one, and move a good distance west for the final one.
Return to Wilmar Bolger in Northern Budgeford.
7 -Bandages for Callum (objective 2)
Return to Callum in the Frogmorton marshes.
8 -Fate of the Black Rider
After completing the first two quests in this chain, talk to Fogo Fallohide inside Stock's Golden Perch Inn.
9 -Spoiled Pie from Stock
The time has come to take that rancid pie from Stock to Hobbiton. Hit the Stable-master of Stock along the way, if you haven't already.
TOWNS: Hobbiton to Tuckborough
Go south from Holly Hornblower to the town of Tuckborough. Speak to Esilia Took, Gerebert Took inside Esilia's house, Thain Paladin Took II inside the Great Smials, and Hyacinth Took in the far west of town.
TOWNS: Hobbiton to Budgeford
Return to Budgeford, speak to Odovacar Bolger for Fate of the Black Rider, then head over to Woodhall.
CHUNK 11: Woodudgefordtonverhillaryborough
1 -The Secret of the Collar
Talk to Orthir at the elf-camp west of Woodhall.
2 -The Warg of Budgeford
Go to the quest-marker northeast of Budgeford. Kill Langfut, then return to Linda Bolger in Southern Budgeford.
3 -Spoiled Pie from Budgeford
Go to Sapphira Bolger on the north side of town and carry her pie back to Holly Hornblower in Hobbiton.
4 -Untangled Webs
-Calling for Charcoal
Return to Overhill and advance your quests in town.
5 -The Big Black Bear
Go directly north from Overhill until you reach a Big Black Bear along the right edge of the quest area indicator circle on your map. You should probably kill it.
6 -Web-cutter
Go west from here, dipping south slightly around the cliff, and then go northwest when you see the webs. Cut the webs, then talk the Walking Tree in the back of the camp and escort it out of that place.
Return to Hart Holeman in Overhill.
7 -A Short-cut: Head straight for Scary to the east, but don't pick up any quests along the way. Only pick up the stable-master in Brockenborings.
8 -Spoiled Pie from Scary
Pick up the pie from Scary (east of Brockenborings) and bring it back to Holly Hornblower in Hobbiton. I suggest going directly south to Budgeford and then turning west once you cross The Water. Once you arrive, also speak to Robin Smallburrow in the Inn.
9 -The Big Black Bear (turn-in)
Turn south, and turn this quest in to Hyacinth Took in West Tuckborough.
TOWNS: Tuckborough to Budgeford
Return to Budgeford, talk the Postman, and carry the satchel to Scary.
TOWNS: Scary to Brockenborings
Run from the postman to Fosco Boffin, then Wilcome Tunnelly and Lily Proudfoot near the east gate of town (1). After speaking to Pansy Tunnelly, go the west side of town to speak to Prisca Underhill (2), then talk to the Postman and carry the satchel to Brockenborings (3).
NOTE: Brockenborings is full of Nosey Hobbits, so I recommend running up the elevated hill to the south of Brockenborings right below the Inn, jumping down to the Inn level, then jumping down one more level to the Postman in the town below.
TOWN: Brockenborings
Enter the Inn and talk to the Innkeeper. Then, talk to Ponto Hornblower northwest of the Stable-master.
CHUNK 12: Brockenborings and Scary
1 -Prologue: Pansy Tunnelly's Ale
Go north from Brockenborings a good distance until you reach a Rabbit-hole at 26.4S, 68.0W south of the quest area on your Shire map. Use the hole, then return to Brockenborings and talk to Bodo Goodbody near the Milestone.
2 -Restless Roost
Travel far southeast to kill Bats in the Greenfields before returning to Scary. Their numbers will increase as you move south. Start heading up toward Scary when you only need a few more, and kill the last few along the way.
When you reach Scary, advance the three quests that stretch across the town, then return to Brockenborings.
3 -Preparing for the Greenfields: After visiting the Watch-office and freeing at least four inventory spaces, go east-northeast and meet with Halros. Now, untrack all other quests, and track the following quests in your Quest Log:
- [11] Distant Dangers
- [11] The Plough and Stars
- [12] Bears on the Greenfields
- [13] The Fate of Prunella Boffin
4 -Sheep Theft
Continue going north a long while from Halros's camp, killing as many bears as you can along the way. You will eventually meet Mungo Burrows; accept his quest and go east.
5 -The Plough and Stars
You will find the Gypsum bag right inside the Goblin camp.
6 -Sheep Theft (cont.)
-Distant Dangers
Move toward the quest-marker on the east side of the camp, killing any Goblin Hurlers that stand in your way.
When ready, interact with the sheep and protect it on its way back to Mungo.
7 -Bears on the Greenfields
Hunt down the remaining bears on the Greenfields, found widely spaced-apart to the south.
Return afterward to the Brockenborings questgivers, lined up to the north and south of the Stable-master. Talk to Bodo Goodbody as you move east, back toward Scary.
-The Long Road of the Hobbits
Interact with the flashing Hobbit Lamp-post near Bodo before you leave. Then, speak to Wilcome Tunnelly when you get to Scary, followed by going east to the quarry.
8 -Prologue: The Quarry in Scary
-Spiders in the Quarry
Run straight for the cave opening at the bottom of the quarry. While in the cave, take the north fork, killing spiders along the way, until you find the skull and use it.
Run out of the cave, dipping south to kill the Tree-weaver south of the fork, and if needed, find the last Tree-weaver and the last two Biters in the area immediately outside. Then, return to Scary.
9 -Spoiled Pie from Brockenborings
After advancing quests, return to Brockenborings to the west and take the spoiled pie over to Hobbiton. I recommend going west across the bridge near Budgeford then dipping straight south to take alternate bridge into Hobbiton.
TOWNS: Hobbiton to Needlehole
Talk to the Stable-master (or map) to Needlehole. Speak to Onar.
TOWNS: Needlehole to Michel Delving
Run straight south (or map) to Michel Delving, starting at the mailbox. Here, you have many quests to advance and turn in, including:
- [9] Bounder of Great Merit and Restoring the Quick Post (near the mailbox)
- [7] The Bird and Baby (at the Inn due west of the mailbox)
- [12] Prologue: The Quarry in Scary and [9] Belco's Writ (Brombard Foxtail at the Mathom-house west of the inn.)
TOWNS: Michel Delving to Little Delving
Return to Little Delving, the town from which you started, grab the spoiled pie and bring it back to Hobbiton.
TOWNS: Tuckborough to Bag End
Return to Tuckborough from Hobbiton, speak to Hyacinth Took, then return to Lobelia Sackville-Baggins at Bag End. Then, go to Sheriff Robin Smallburrow at the inn in Hobbiton.
TOWNS: Hobbiton to Tuckborough
Talk to Thane Paladin Took II, then track the quest "The Vigilance Committee."
CHUNK 13: Ending the Brigands
1 -The Vigilance Committee
Return to Farmer Maggot, who is at Bamfurlong in the souteast corner of the Shire. Accept all quests in that area.
2 -Rousing Ruffians
Go up the cliff-slope to the northwest, to the waterfall at 36.9S, 61.0W south of Woodhall, and cross over into the Brigands' camp. You will find Violet Underhill as you continue up; LEAVE her for now, and continue southward.
3 -The Golden Perch
You will find the Old Yeast deeper into the camp in a small side-enclosure to your right.
4 -Flare for Danger
Follow the path south to the apex of the camp, where you will be able to detonate the fireworks.
5 -Violet in Peril
Now, run back out all the way north to Violet, who you will now interact with and escape with.
Return to Bamfurlong, then Stock, turning in quests, then go to Woodhall.
6 -Spoiled Pie from Woodhall
Carry the pie from Woodhall back to Hobbiton, and speak to Holly Hornblower to receive your rewards for turning in all those pies. Then, return to The Great Smials in Tuckborough to wrap things up.
TOWN: Brockenborings
Return to Brockenborings. Speak to Bounder Primstone in the Brockenborings Watch Office, then go back up to Halros and pick up the final Epic Prologue quest.
8 -The Fate of Prunella Boffin
Start at 25.6S, 68.5W, NOT the area marked on your map but several paces below the first E in Greenfields. Fight your way through the goblin enclosure, turning NORTH at your first chance to do so, continuing north until you reach a high ramp at the north end of the camp. Go up the ramp and continue to the end of the enclosure at the top, where you will find the umbrella.
Go back down the ramp, then turn west to the other path, until you reach
INSTANCE: Beneath the Greenfields
Go straight south until you speak with Bounder Primstone, then follow him and defend him until the instance ends.
You appear again at Halros, and you are sent off to the town of Bree. But before that, there's one last quest to turn in in Scary:
You appear again at Halros, and you are sent off to the town of Bree. But before that, there's one last quest to turn in in Scary:
9 -The Fate of Prunella Boffin (second objective)
Talk to Fosco Boffin, wait for the event to finish, then speak to him again.
NOTE: The Shire is full of convoluted quests. I've done my best to synthesize the most efficient pattern of completion in one playthrough, but if you have any corrections or suggestions to improve this guide, let me know!
Thank you so much for your work! I tried and gave up on Shire quests several times before, but using your guide and suggestions I actually gave them another chance and made it! Fabulous job! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteGreat guide, thanks!